(metamorworks/iStock via Getty Images) Artificial intelligence has the potential to change many aspects of cardiovascular care, but not right away, a new report says. Existing AI and machine-learning digital tools are promising, according to the scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Such tools already have shown they can help screen patients and guide researchers…

(American Heart Association) Using cannabis – either by smoking, eating or vaping it – may raise the risk for heart attacks and strokes, new research suggests. Survey respondents who said they use cannabis, or marijuana, had a higher risk for cardiovascular problems regardless of whether they used tobacco products or had other underlying cardiovascular risk…

In red, the carotid arteries run along each side of the neck, while the vertebral arteries run through the spinal column in the neck. (MedicalRF.com via Getty Images) Along each side of the neck are a pair of arteries that supply blood to the brain. It’s rare for one of those blood vessels to tear….

(FG Trade/E+ via Getty Images) Lea en español Among many teenage girls, hearts are a communications staple. Heart emojis punctuate their texts, heart hands frame their selfies on social media. But rare is the girl who thinks about her heart as the critical organ it is, the epicenter of the circulatory system, supplying blood with…

Twin sisters Olivia (right) and Sofia Hart were diagnosed a with rare genetic condition that caused their hearts to enlarge and fail. (Photo courtesy of Sofia Hart) Fresh out of college with a degree in nutrition, Olivia Hart went home to Martha’s Vineyard to waitress and figure out her next steps. In her spare time,…

President Dwight D. Eisenhower uses a stethoscope to listen to the heart of Dr. Paul Dudley White, who had treated him for a heart attack. (American Heart Association) Heart disease is no stranger to the White House. But in a century of presidential cardiac crises, none affected America the way Dwight Eisenhower’s 1955 heart attack…

Heart transplant recipient Katherine Herrmann (right) with her husband, Ian, on their wedding day in 2023. (Photo courtesy of Devin Hill) While the other kids went out to play during kindergarten recess, Katherine Herrmann had to stay inside. She was born with a heart problem that required her to take medications every day. Because blood…

Volunteers help children learn CPR during the Buffalo Bills’ training camp in Rochester, New York, in August 2023. (Photo courtesy of Alik Matthews) Lea en español To some people, sixth grade might seem a little young to be taking responsibility for saving lives. Riley Clower and her classmates in Laramie, Wyoming, would disagree. Last fall,…

Dr. Julianne Holt-Lunstad (far right) with four of her siblings. (Photo courtesy of Dr. Julianne Holt-Lunstad) Once a week, social connectedness expert Dr. Julianne Holt-Lunstad takes an afternoon to ski with her husband, Nathan. During the pandemic, the Salt Lake City couple started hiking together regularly. And after 30 years of marriage, they still set…

(melitas/iStock via Getty Images) Lea en español A century ago, so little was known about heart disease that people who had it resigned themselves to years of bed rest or, worse, an early death. Even less was known about how heart disease affected women – because nobody thought it did. Heart disease was considered a…